
Habits to be followed in general

          Ailments will get reduced while you take medication, and then recur once you stop it. Keep in mind that organs in the body will start becoming weak when you take medications and tablets. But in Siddha, Ayurvedha medications need not be taken for a long duration, and within a short span of time ailments get cured. You may find the health getting betterment as you take this treatment.

» If you need a good life, you need to do good to others as much as possible. Rather than analysing how other behave with us, it is better to behave with them with support and humbleness.

» Anger has to be given off completely and being with patience is always good.

» Wake up early in the morning, meditate upon God, do compulsory exercise, work industrially towards the duty without expectation.

» Never point out others mistake with anger, treat them with love and softness.

» Never compare children, and demotivate them, teach them to grow with softy characters and with patience. Spare sometime to listen to their stories and talk with them.

» We must have the will for whatever we do, then only there won't be boredom. Keep your mind happy. It is good to watch comedy channels, play with pets, chat with friends (without affecting others) may be good hobbies at leisure time.

» Never develop the habit of watching serials. Those who watch serial will never trust anybody, as all humans are depicted as bad, explaining relationship between man-woman, extreme patience of a woman (Unrealistic), an unwanted entertainment. Reading good books is a good habit. Knowledge will expand in those who read good books.

» Never have the expectation for appreciation of your work. Our loving God will watch and will reattribute to us many many times. Do not think why such advises are given in an hospital.

» Brothers and sisters insist your husband to their businesses ethically, whatever it may be. Say no to the money from the wrong way. If you do this, you will find the that Happiness and peace are there in a great manner, where money entered. Husbands motivate your run wives , run the life with love and encouragement.

» Getting cured of a disease is just not the only thing for a man to live a happy and complete life. Ease and growth are required in all aspects right?! We wish you for recovery from disease and joy filled life.

          You need not lose your health by taking medications for years. You are given excellent treatment through food habits and exercises, after stopping medications in a particular duration. When an ailment is treated with herbs and natural treatment, you may find problems getting reduced in your body excellently. Immunity will increase in great while taking natural treatment.

          It is India's integrated hospital, where treatments such as Ayurvedha, Siddha, Homeo works integrated. You do not need to go in search of specialists. All medical practitioners provide treatment with 100% nil side effects under one roof. The diet lists that are prescribed for the patients to follow are designed with care. Let us learn to live with herbs and nature. Let us get awareness about this rare treatment. Tell the world about the benefits with good heart.

          Ailments will get reduced while you take medication, and then recur once you stop it. Keep in mind that organs in the body will start becoming weak when you take medications and tablets. But in Siddha, Ayurvedha medications need not be taken for a long duration, and within a short span of time ailments get cured. You may find the health getting betterment as you take this treatment. Feel it, be aware of it and be with nature.